Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jessica Shramm: In the Process

As a photographer, Jessica's eyes search and find intricate aesthetic elements in the most unusual places.  Once, I saw a photograph she took of my best friend of 11 years and did not recognize her.  She took the most familiar face and found an intensity I had never known.  This is Jessica's ability and the reason among others I wanted to interview her about the process of photography.  Jessica's studio resides in the art building of her university and so she is a nomadic artist.  I joined her on the journey one summer day.  

We began on the front porch of her Athens, Georgia home.  Inside, Jessica showed me her new pinhole camera with genuine enthusiasm.  She began taking a few pictures and I could tell the creative process had begun, as spontaneously as the burst of an overfilled balloon.  We were off to look at the world around us - to find something of interest somewhere, anywhere. Out on the porch again, Jessica aimed her camera in every direction hardly pausing as she shot.  I imagined through Jessica's viewfinder, she was looking out over a vast sea, spying for the right direction to steer our vessel. 


10 Questions:


What is your favorite color and why? 

every color between blue and green, mostly just because those are my favorite colors to look at. also, they are the colors of nature and the earth.

What is your favorite word and why?

charisma, because its a beautiful word, and an important characteristic.

What song can you listen to over and over again?

well, that changes often.... but right now i would probably say any modest mouse song, or a song by os mutantes (this is a random combo)

When you are struggling creatively where do you find inspiration?

i sometimes find it helpful to simply look at the work of other artists, many different artists, and try to spark some idea... either that or i just go out and shoot despite the creative struggle, usually that leads to something. 

What is one thing you love to look at or watch?

people, what could be more interesting?

What is your biggest creative block?


Who is your biggest fan? 

my mom, she thinks everything i do is great

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one book what would it be?

a collection of short stories by roald dahl

If you could only bring one type of art supply? 

a camera... 35mm

What is one thing you have learned that you would like other artists to know? 

that there is always more to learn

Ok and.... more general questions with answers by Jessica. a few words describe your process from the time you get your assignment/idea to the moment you know it is complete.

if its an assignment, (which is usually what i start with considering i'm in school and have little time for personal projects... although they sometimes overlap) i try to come up with a vague or general idea of what i want to shoot, and i just start, even if i don't know yet where it will take me. this will either lead to new ideas for shooting or work out as planned. I then develop the pictures, see what i've got, and move on from there...either to printing or reshooting.  after printing i sometimes also decide to take more/different pictures. I'm not finished until the final print or prints are made, and even then i could change direction and start over.  its very relative and dependent on the project. 

Do you have a specific time that you work? 

well, the light is best in the late afternoon for shooting, but i usually work in the lab whenever i have time (morning and night)

How do you know when you are done or that you got the shot you wanted?

usually not until it is printed... but there are occasions when i take a picture, and get so excited to print it because i can tell that it is the shot i wanted.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

This isn't just any Blog... This blog is your own studio in so many ways because this is so creative. Its delightful to read. Its so inspiring to other artists... I know because I am inspired.